External & internal mirror polish, external & internal probe washing
Dedicated sampling probe equipped with sensitive liquid sensor, timely feedback of reagent & sample residuals
Collision protection, automatic probe depth adjusting
Teflon coating mixer. No water dropping
(reducing carry-over)
Excellent mixing effect with standard mixing procedure
• 90 reagetn positions
• Non-stop cooling system with peltier pad inside, 24 hours 2℃-14℃
• Bar code reader(optional)
• 120 sample positions, micro cup & test tube can be used
120 reaction cuvettes
Reaction volume as low as 150μl
Stable & accurate temperature (37±0.1℃)for reaction
User friendly software interface simple, easy-to-operation
Sample automatic dilution(decrease, increase, normal)
Reaction result automatic checking and warning, calibaration result automatic checking, warning alarm log
Linear & nonlinear calibration, Multi-points calibration up to 8 points
Quality control apply to westgard, L-T plot, cumulative